Sunday, 15 February 2009

Nripen Bharali remembers...

This has brought back some of the old, sweet memories of our two years in IIMA and at the same time rekindled the feeling of loss and sadness that I personally felt when I learnt about Labdhi's untimely death.

I was in Section C of my PGP batch and was generally a happy-go-lucky guy. I felt generally lucky if I could read a case before going to the class. But for Labdhi's class I did make some special efforts, mostly because of his cutting remarks (always with good intention, now I realise) if you were caught unprepared for any particular case. I had only one opportunity to really go to the board and give my views on a particular case during the entire term and I recall with pride that the great professor did respond with the remark 'this could work'. That to me was like scoring an A.

But I had some close interactions with your dad when I had gone to the institute for a short term course on Management during my professional days. What amazed me was though so many new students join every year, he did remember most of my class mates and had very good things to say about the batch. He also took special care to introduce me as his old stident to the other participants of the class. He talked about his children over dinner one day with a lot of fatherly pride. He also promised to visit Assam (from where I come) and the North East and I had offered to invite him officially. Unfortunately that visit never materialised.

*Nripen Bharali was a student of LRB in 1980-82 and at an Executive program at IIMA. He currently works with Oil India, Assam.

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