Friday, 1 November 2019

LRB classroom photograph

Thanks to the wonderful team at IIM-A archives for sharing this lovely photograph of LRB teaching.

Labdhi Bhandari in an MEP classroom
Courtesy: IIM-A Archives

1 comment:

  1. Awesome to recall the legend in the field of Management. I did my Doctoral studies in the area of Consumer Behaviour from Birla Institute of Technology . Though I did notnhave the opportunity to study under him, we have leanrt a lot about him and his conteibution to Marketing Management which is my domain in my PhD . We are ever indebted to Dr. Handari Saheb. By the way, so proud to share that Dr Saheb is my Sambhandhi Sa’s elder brother๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


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