Monday, 23 June 2008

David Chambers remembers...

My own connection with Labdhi came through the Commonwealth Secretariat: like him, I was approached by the team there as a potential contributor to a series of conferences they put on, in different Commonwealth countries, for managers running state-owned enterprises. Labdhi and I wrote some of the introductory material for the conferences, and drafts for the follow-up reports. In total I guess we met a couple of times in London, and attended half-a-dozen short conferences together. Your father was an admirable man: open-minded, highly intelligent and articulate, energetic, kind, good-humoured: a person on whom one could always rely. As I recall, the series came to an end a year or so after his tragic death: I think that many of us felt that the idea had lost its spark in the absence of Labdhi.

The person running the relevant section of the Secretariat in London at that time was Dr. Mohan Kaul, who had - I think - been a former colleague of Labdhi's at Ahmadabad. I suspect that Mohan will have retired by now. His recollections of your father would be much more extensive and detailed than mine, and I hope that you can make contact. As for me - I formally retired from London Business School ten years ago so I've rather lost touch with the scene in which I, your father and Mohan collaborated in those earlier years.

*David Chambers was formerly at the London Business School

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